Thursday, July 7, 2011

Artemis is walking around a market, getting flowers. She picks up a poinsetta, frowns, and chooses some heathery boughs instead. Another woman approaches the booth and picks up the poinsetta. Artemis looks at her and does a double take.

Artemis: Nike?

Nike: Artemis? From Olympus? You’ve got to be kidding me.

Artemis: You look great.

Nike: So do you, what are you doing on earth?

Artemis: We live here now. All of us, all the gods. Live as humans. What are you doing, we lost track of you in the mid 600’s!

Nike: Yeah, well, I wasn’t a real big fan of the Visigoths. I decided to go undercover for awhile, settle down. I have to get new identities all the time, but, I guess you guys do the same thing.
Artemis: Totally, that’s it. I’m still a hunter, though, I can’t find anything else to interest me.
Nike: I know, I know. I was more of a war type myself. I’ve done alright over the years, though. I suppose you guys have been out there, Nobel winners and Presidents and Kings and Queens.
Artemis: Some of them, yeah. That’s their thing. I’m still with Eris mostly, so, you know.
Nike: (kind of disappointed, she and Artemis used to have a thing) Oh, yeah? How’s she doing?
Artemis: Good, you know. It gets old, sometimes, though. We’ve been together for so long.
Nike: Yeah, I can imagine. I don’t really find that, since all my partners die. But, you never know, maybe I’ll make it back to Olympus one of these days, say hi to everybody.
Artemis: There’s no one there, and father’s sold the old place finally.
Nike: No way.
Artemis: Yeah. He was never one of us on earth, he was holed up there with Hebe and Hercules and Eilithea. Until a little over a year ago, you may have senses the intrusions, he had mighty thoughts about the earth, but we got him off it, now he’s in New York.
Nike: I love New York. I was there last life, actually. Thought I’d be Italian this time, the men are supposed to be so sexy.
Artemis: I don’t really know about that.
Nike: Well, I like to keep my options open, you know me.
Artemis: Hey, I have to meet Eris soon, but what are you doing for Christmas?
Nike: Sitting by the fire, opening the fruitcake I get from work, singing hymns to my cat.
Artemis: That’s no fun at all. Come with us to Poseidon’s, it’s a beach resort and everyone will be there, they’ll be so happy to see you, it would be… it would be really good.
Nike: Yeah? When are you going?
Artemis: Tomorrow morning, first thing. We’re staying til New Year’s, I think some other people might leave, but come out, it’ll be fabulous.
Nike: I would love to. That’s, that’s so funny, because I’ve been thinking for the past month or so, how I should look you guys up again. I really missed you.
Artemis: Me too. Do you want to just meet us by the fountain at 8 a.m. or so?
Nike: Great, sure. I’ll be there with bells on.
Artemis: Bring your swimsuit. I’ll… bye.
Nike: Bye.

Beach resort. Morning of the 23rd. Cephallenia’s room. She and Nathaniel are under the sheets, making out after some morning sex. There is a knock at the door. They assume it to be room service or Poseidon.

Cephallenia: Go away, I’m busy.

Persephone: You’re not that busy, young lady. (Ceph looks at Nate and freaks out, she jumps out of bed and tries to find clothes)

Nathaniel: (whispering) what am I supposed to do?

Ceph: (also whispering) transmigrate, climb out the window, I don’t give a fuck, just get out.
Nathaniel: That would take an hour just to get to the other side of the hotel.

Ceph: Then try the window.

Persephone: Ceph?

Nathaniel: (looking out) I’ll transmigrate.

Ceph: Sorry, mum, my room is chaos here. (gets door once Nate has disappeared) How are you? (Perse gives her a huge hug)

Persephone: I missed you so much.

Ceph: Yeah, I bet.

Persephone: You’ve really grown. It’s only been…

Ceph: It’s been a year. A pretty critical year, for growth and development.

Persephone: I know I should have been better about being in contact, but

Ceph: You wanted to be on your own, that’s fine. But you decided not to be my mother for awhile, so don’t think you can come back and just tell me what to do.

Persephone: Cephie, I’m not, trying to tell you anything, I… I know you’re angry but don’t make assumptions.

Ceph: Just don’t think you know what’s best for me anymore. A lot of things have changes since you’ve been away.

Perse: I know. Well, your father isn’t here yet.

Ceph: He’ll get in this afternoon, they have a game this morning.

Perse: Oh, he really likes the sports, then, huh?

Ceph: We’re not going back to Hades. Not ever again.

Perse: I didn’t say that, I didn’t…

Ceph: Look, mom, I have to get dressed and then we can have breakfast, okay?

Perse: That sounds great. I’ll see you down then.

Ceph: Yeah. (closing door. She rolls her eyes, like ‘phwew’ and dials Nate’s number. He’s not there. She smiles, a kid in love)

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